Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ten things I hate about you.

I've become more irritable as of late and I don't like it at all. I am a pretty easy going guy and I was able to just disregard most things that annoyed me but now they make me a little upset. Not to the point where I get worked up about them, but to the point where I've realized that I have lost almost all hope in humanity.

Minor things like people wearing Bluetooth headsets, F-ers using their phones in movie theaters whether it is to text someone or to check the time while the movie is playing(its not like you are going to die if you stop texting for an hour and a half and time is not going to go any faster everytime you pull out your bright phone in a dark room), people cutting through parking lots and putting people that follow the lines in danger, know-it-alls, or people that get extremely close to you when you are in line somewhere and all you are wanting is a little personal space really grind my gears something fierce.

To a couple of major ones that bother me like taking advantage of misfortune/kindness/generosity, and hypocrisy (I know there's varied levels of hypocrisy and that we have all been hypocrites at one point or another, but i still find hypocrisy detestable). These I look down on with extreme disdain.

I don't know if its because of the way I was raised, but most of the things that annoy me are things that I thought would be common courtesy/respect to everyone and that everyone would have the decency follow to a certain degree but boy am I wrong. Such is life I guess.

On a brighter note, time for me to go play some Rock Band 2!


KittyMarie said...

Damn kids and their rock and roll.

Belisarius said...

I think you've known me too long Dio...I'm rubbing off on you :p

In any case...I needs to play me some Rock Band 2 sometime....*drool*