Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I played a game called Wallyball last week. Think of it like volleyball in a closed room and you can use the walls to bounce the ball from. It's a very fun game and I can't wait till I play again...that is, after I recover from my injury.

I messed up my right shoulder returning a serve and now I get a sharp pain on my shoulder when I move my arm a certain way. Good news is that I don't think it's anything serious since I feel less and less pain as the days pass. We were suppose to play again this but I told them I wanted to rest my shoulder till I am all better. It's sad because I really wanted to play.

I did learn something from injuring myself and playing though. First thing I learned is that is you haven't been active for a good while, make sure to take it easy and don't do whatever activity it is your going to do for too long. Why, you ask? Because your ENTIRE body will be sore for the next three days.
I hurt so bad that I looked liked a had just crapped my pants anytime I went up or down stairs. Second thing I learned is to make sure to stretch before playing anything as physically demanding as Wallyball. I am sure if I would have stretched, I wouldn't be having problems with the shoulder.

You live and you learn, I guess.

I apologize for any errors encountered on the post. I did all the typing on my phone and proof reading on a small screen is a beotch. I will correct if need be or if I am told I aintz done made sense.


KittyMarie said...

I've never heard of Wallyball...sounds fun:) To keep myself in peak physical capacity, I stick to a strict regimen of ass-sitting and baked lays (they're baked, so therefore healthy, right?!) I'm contemplating pregnancy so my weight gain will look intentional...

Diosthocles said...

eventhough I have made jokes, I can't picture you being pregnant. You are such a tiny little thing that even a baby bump would probably topple you over.

Wallyball is fun and I think we are going to play once a week. I need to start excercising(sp?) more so I am not sore after each time we play.

KittyMarie said...

Dude, I got me some childbearin' hips. But I do have a very short torso...I would probably look like a tomato on stilts, which I'm sure would be entertaining for all...

Belisarius said...

Where do you play at?