Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mm, Caramel Frappuccino

Warning: Before you continue, know that this post involves the smell of a certain bodily secretion smell being enhanced by drinking a Caramel Frappuccino.

If you read the warning and continue to read this, there might be something wrong with you. All pleasantries aside, let me get to my point.

I noticed that EVERY time I drink a Caramel Frappuccino from Starbucks, my urine starts smelling like it after three hours. I don't know how or why but it does. I can't say that has ever happened to me when I have had hot coffee and whether or not it happens to people that drink a lot of coffee (I normally only drink a Frappuccino once a month) but it happens.

Does it make me a sick individual when I say that I rather enjoy the smell of my urine when I drink a Frappuccino? Does it make me even more sick that I thought if I ever get stranded in a desert after having had a frappuccino that I would not hesitate to drink me pee to keep hydrated?

I don' know why i felt like sharing that but I did.

I apologize if I made you vomit in your mouth a little just now. Not really, its what I was going for ^_^*.


KittyMarie said...

Yet another reason to boycott Starbucks...

Also, doesn't drinking your own tinkle just dehydrate you further? I guess it's wet at least. I'd at least look for a waterfall or something...although I would probably die because I don't think I could bring myself to drink coconut milk.


Diosthocles said...

You might be right but I am too lazy to look it up right now. I could have sworn I saw something about it actually keeping you hydrated on a survival-type show. Astronauts drink their own pee in space. Mind you, it goes through some kind of filtering process.

Coconut milk is an aquired taste. I was raised with it but never really cared for it much.

KittyMarie said...

Blech, I've never been fond of coconut milk/meat/etc., but I do enjoy watching people open them. :)