Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Mm, Caramel Frappuccino
If you read the warning and continue to read this, there might be something wrong with you. All pleasantries aside, let me get to my point.
I noticed that EVERY time I drink a Caramel Frappuccino from Starbucks, my urine starts smelling like it after three hours. I don't know how or why but it does. I can't say that has ever happened to me when I have had hot coffee and whether or not it happens to people that drink a lot of coffee (I normally only drink a Frappuccino once a month) but it happens.
Does it make me a sick individual when I say that I rather enjoy the smell of my urine when I drink a Frappuccino? Does it make me even more sick that I thought if I ever get stranded in a desert after having had a frappuccino that I would not hesitate to drink me pee to keep hydrated?
I don' know why i felt like sharing that but I did.
I apologize if I made you vomit in your mouth a little just now. Not really, its what I was going for ^_^*.
Karma is a beotch!
On Thursday, My place of work had a sale of 50% off select videogames. When I got there at 5AM (an hour before the sale started), there was about 70 people waiting in line for videogames alone. I had never seen such a turnout on Thanksgiving and I was also a little scared since I and a fellow co-worker were to be manning the game cases.
When it came time to start handing people the games they wanted, I was pleasantly surprised that everyone was really cool about having to wait X amount of hours just so they could get 2 or so games for half off.
As the line dwindled, a rather greedy lady asked if she could get multiple copies of a game. I wanted to tell her to stop thinking like a greedy douche but I bit my tongue and said only one. A lady, 2 guests back, had a copy of the ad with her and pointed out that it didnt say anything about not being able to grab multiple copies of a single games, just that there was a limit of 4.
Wanting to avoid argument, I agreed with her and let the lady in front have 2 copies of the game she wanted. The lady after her also requested 2 copies of the same game. This brings me to the guest that pointed out that you should be able to grab multiple copies of a game. Thanks to her not keeping her mouth shut, the 2 ladies in front of her grabbed the last 4 copies of the game she wanted leaving her shit out of luck for pointing something out and wanting to be a greedy douche.
She realized her stupidity after I told her the two ladies in front of her grabbed the last 4 copies of the game she wanted. The lady then asked both ladies if either of them would be willing to surrender one of their copies and both the ladies just looked at her and laughed. I was able to contain my laughter but thanks to that lady, I had the biggest smile on my face for the rest of the day.
This proves that working retail, as shitty as it can be sometimes, has it's huge perks when situations like this happen.
ZZ Top update
As you may have guessed, the itching/no feeling sensation got to me after 3 days and I shaved off the beard. It was a good thing too. I started looking like a hobo and a very dirty one at that. I also start getting ingrown hairs on my face that I didn't notice until they turn nasty and gross. I think I will stick to week-or-less-stuble or clean shaven from now on.
I apologize but I didn't take any pictures. Not only because I don't really care about taking pictures of myself but because I didnt want to take a myspace shot of myself.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Gettin' my ZZ Top on
I have tried letting my beard grow out for a month many times before but I always end up shaving it on the third week.
Third week is always the worse for me since that's when my face starts becoming all itchy. Soon after the itchiness goes away, I seem to not be able to feel any sensation on the skin under the beard. I assume if I am finally able to deal with not being able to feel anything on the skin under my beard that I will finally be able to complete one of my beard challenges. I am going for a record this time (personal record anyways) and I hope I am able to stick with it.
Lot of people are telling me I should shave it off already because they think I look better without facial hair. This challenge of mine is not meant to attract any ladies which is why I choose not to care what everyone says. Personally, I enjoy having some stubble on my face regardless of what others think.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I messed up my right shoulder returning a serve and now I get a sharp pain on my shoulder when I move my arm a certain way. Good news is that I don't think it's anything serious since I feel less and less pain as the days pass. We were suppose to play again this but I told them I wanted to rest my shoulder till I am all better. It's sad because I really wanted to play.
I did learn something from injuring myself and playing though. First thing I learned is that is you haven't been active for a good while, make sure to take it easy and don't do whatever activity it is your going to do for too long. Why, you ask? Because your ENTIRE body will be sore for the next three days.
I hurt so bad that I looked liked a had just crapped my pants anytime I went up or down stairs. Second thing I learned is to make sure to stretch before playing anything as physically demanding as Wallyball. I am sure if I would have stretched, I wouldn't be having problems with the shoulder.
You live and you learn, I guess.
I apologize for any errors encountered on the post. I did all the typing on my phone and proof reading on a small screen is a beotch. I will correct if need be or if I am told I aintz done made sense.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
My brother came to visit this past weekend. He had a blast. It was unfortunate that we had to miss a get-together since he was sleeping like a rock thanks to the Breakfast Club. He woke up, felt bad, and asked me to go fetch us some food. We ate, talked for a while and then went to sleep. Following morning, we did some minor running around and getting a few things out of the way but since he came down with friends, he had to leave earlier than normal. I didn't really get to hang out with him much but what little time I spent with him was fun.
That same day, I met up with the friend that keeps reminding me to update my sorry excuse for a blog and one of her friends. I asked her to call me when they got done "Dress Barn-ing it up" if they felt like having my company when they went out to eat. She called me when they got done shopping and thanks to me being half asleep when she called, a bunch of silliness happened.
I was told where to meet and it registered just fine when I heard it but my brain decided to interpret what she said as "scratch what she just said and meet her up at the restaurant that is closest to where they were shopping". So I go to said restaurant and order. I notice they are nowhere to be seen so I text to make sure. I am told that I am not where I need to be and feel like a total d-bag because of it. I then proceeded to wait for the food I ordered there, drove my silly ass where I needed to go and enjoyed their company while feeling like a d-bag. I was picked on by the friend and waiter for making everybody wait and I deserved it. Right as I we were about to leave, I noticed another group of friends was dining there as well so I said my goodbyes to the pretty ladies and stayed at the restaurant an extra hour to chat with the group.
That's about it really. Not much else has happened since those two events. I did a few homeworks, took a couple of tests, worked, but thats about it.
My apologies for the randomness but I had to do it to appease the only reader of my nonsense.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
What a lovely tea party.
Now to my actual post:
I've felt rather lazy this weekend. So lazy that I have been neglecting some of my studying for a test and homework that has to be turned in on Tuesday. I will admit that I always have my lazy moments but they rarely last longer than a few hours. Normally I get really bored after 2 hours of being lazy and start cleaning or something. Not this weekend for some reason.
I've tried everything to get out of my lazy mood but nothing has worked. I was going to go help some friends move one of their grandpa's on Saturday but unfortunately, my car is having a little muffler problem at the moment and I don't want to travel much until I get it replaced on Monday. I am sure that would have gotten me out of my kick too.
After apologizing to my friends for not being able to help, I had another friend call me and ask if I wanted to go out to eat. This friends likes to keep me out for quite a few hours so I figured she would try the same thing this time which is why I agreed to meet up with her and whichever of her friends was going to be coming along. We agreed to meet at 5 at Texas Roadhouse. Thanks to her getting all pretty and going to go pick up her friend, she just happened to be about an hour late. I am glad that I had my phone with me to keep me company. They finally showed up and we had a fun time. I ripped on my one friend the entire time for making me wait so long.
One great thing that came out of me waiting for them for so long (sorta kinda) is that I got a free meal out of it. When the waitress came along to ask how the checks were going to be split - my friends friend said separate. The waitress thought that meant my friends friend on one check and my friend and I on the other since we were sitting next to each other and apparently looked like a couple. so we get the bill and I tell my friend thanks for the meal and she actually paid for it. Funny thing is I actually like like my friend but she is completely oblivious to my advances. Maybe it's for the best it stays that way too.
I was trying to make a point there about my lazy weekend but got sidetracked telling a little side story. Back to the show!
After we got done with our meals, I was asked if i wanted to join them at Hooters. I had to think about it for a while but then I told them no. not only because I haven't had a good experience at that place, but because they were meeting a few other of their friends there and I didn't want to be a bother. In reality though, I just wanted to go back to being lazy in my apartment by lounging on my couch and watching a movie. Had they not made me wait an hour at Texas Roadhouse, I probably would have gone, no questions asked since I enjoy flirting with my friend and have her be completely oblivious to it all. I'm weird, I know.
Now it's Sunday and my laziness has yet to go away. I have been watching classic Naruto episodes all morning and didn't have the motivation to do anything. Then I figured I might as well update my blog. Thankfully updating my blog has helped get me out of my funk. As soon as I am done with my blog and a few more episodes of Naruto (damn me for picking and awesome block to start watching), I will start cleaning and then doing my homework.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I've got game?
About 3 weeks ago, it was brought to my attention that a lot of the women and girls around my age have been flirting with me at work. I told the person that pointed this out to me that they did not know what they were talking about and that they were just imagining things. I thought to myself, "There's no f-ing way most of these people are flirting with me seeing as how I am not broadcasting that I want a girlfriend at the moment" but boy was I wrong.
Not even a day passed when I actually started noticing people flirting with me and going a little out of their way to talk to me. I didn't think anything of it until the women actually started telling me that if they were younger, they would be all over me faster than...something that is really fast. I had heard these comments before but I always felt it was for laughs but I could tell there was truth in their eyes. Some of them even made me blush to the point where I couldn't really respond.
The girls my age are a little sneakier about it and decide to tell my best bud at work (who is female and we pretty much tell each other everything) about how some put claims on liking me and that other girls weren't allowed to flirt with me. I felt flattered to an extent when I heard that and creeped out at the same time.
After I noticed all these people actively flirting with me, i was told that it was my own fault for flirting with them. I had no idea what she was talking about and then she told me that since i am nice all the time, and treat people like i want to be treated, that it comes of as flirtatious/nice hence people flirting with me.
Ever since this was pointed out to me, I have stopped being as friendly. Not because they are fuggos/old/whatever but because I don't want that much attention from that many of the opposite sex without me feeling like I want to "hit that". Some of you might be thinking "bullshit" but I am totally serious. The only attention I would like to be grabbing is of future prospects and my place of work doesn't really have many to choose from. Not ones without herpes anyways ^_^*....gross.
I was told that what I do is called social flirting which makes a lot of sense. When I talk to people, I try to put a smile on their face to brighten up their day just a little so I can see how that can be misconstrued as flirting.
Now if only I could be this effective with girls I want to ask out and possibly date...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
c'est la vie
I don't know why, but I feel as though most of the good times I have had with all my current friends are coming to a close. I try to keep in touch and not push anything on anyone since I don't know what most of their schedules are like anymore but its not really working as well as I had planned. Calls go unanswered, text messages are not replied to, and so on and so forth.
This made me stop wasting my time and wait until something was mentioned by someone other than me which seems to be working but not at the pace it used to just a few months ago.
I guess that time inevitably gets the best of friendships which is what happened when I was younger and was used to moving every year, but I was hoping things would be different with this group of friends.
Hopefully, I will continue having fun with most of my friends but I'm sure those fun times won't be like they used to be thanks to everyone drifting apart.
Such is life I guess so I will make sure to make lemonade when the bitch throws lemons my way.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I have a confession to make.
Don't get me wrong, you have most of the same great qualities but you require a lot of up keep. Mind you, there is nothing wrong with being high maintenance for when I have something on my head and I don't want to be limited, I will always turn to you for you were my first.
I guess what I am trying to say is that eventhough I will not be writing the less important stuff on you anymore, that you are still going to be a huge part when it comes to the important and rather funny moments. Twitter will just be there for my random thoughts and for when I want to arrange a get-together with the people that also use twitter.
I know that I can't contain this Latin heat of mine but would you be okay with this threesome? Blog - "As much as this hurts me, I understand your weak attempt of an excuse for posting on twitter. Hell, I did some experimenting in college and wouldn't mind experimenting some more now *looking in Twitters direction*". Twitter - "I was raised on the dairy, bitch! *breaks beer bottle over her head and starts making out with Blog*". Me - "Ah! And boom goes the dynamite".
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Ten things I hate about you.
Minor things like people wearing Bluetooth headsets, F-ers using their phones in movie theaters whether it is to text someone or to check the time while the movie is playing(its not like you are going to die if you stop texting for an hour and a half and time is not going to go any faster everytime you pull out your bright phone in a dark room), people cutting through parking lots and putting people that follow the lines in danger, know-it-alls, or people that get extremely close to you when you are in line somewhere and all you are wanting is a little personal space really grind my gears something fierce.
To a couple of major ones that bother me like taking advantage of misfortune/kindness/generosity, and hypocrisy (I know there's varied levels of hypocrisy and that we have all been hypocrites at one point or another, but i still find hypocrisy detestable). These I look down on with extreme disdain.
I don't know if its because of the way I was raised, but most of the things that annoy me are things that I thought would be common courtesy/respect to everyone and that everyone would have the decency follow to a certain degree but boy am I wrong. Such is life I guess.
On a brighter note, time for me to go play some Rock Band 2!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
On Tuesday, I had to take my first quiz of the semester for my programming class and I got me an A. This A was unsexpected due to the fact that when I thought "quiz", I figured it would be 10 questions long. Wrong! This quiz might as well have been called a test for there was 40 questions and a flowchart problem. I was barely able to get an A on it which makes me glad I studied more than I should have.
Also on Tuesday, I found out that AT&T finally brought 3G here. Now I can surf the internet twice as fast on my phone while slacking off at work. Thanks AT&T.
The icing on the cake came on Wednesday when I finally got a copy of Rock Band 2. I played the shnarf out of it last night and will continue to do so today and tomorrow. I'll have to put it aside this weekend though so I can study for a test in my networking class.
Off to actually work now.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Somebody's got a case of the mondays...
Today was the first Monday I have had to work in 4 weeks and don't know if I will be able to handle a full work week. Mind you, my day went by rather quickly since there has been a lot for me to do lately and I like that since staying busy makes my day go by faster but it just didn't feel right being there on a Monday.
Not only that, but I forgot that Rock Band 2 was released today and I didn't buy it after work for this reason. I could have played it for a good 3 hours before I had to read a couple of chapters for a quiz i have tomorrow but now i will have to settle on watching some anime. I should just put my shoes on and go buy it but I don't feel like leaving my place.
Now I'll just go watch me some anime and relax for a bit before i have to study.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
How time flies
I had to go for about a month without a computer with nothing but my PS3 and phone to access the internet. I never thought I would miss something as much as i missed internet access during that ridiculously long month. Let me tell you, it blows monkey chunks trying to change your address to most places you have online accounts with when all you have is a PS3 remote to do it with.
I had interesting stories to share but I have forgotten all of them and i will post them as i remember them.
One cool thing that happened was that my brother and mom came and stayed at my one bedroom apartment for a few day at around my birthday and it was a blast. It had been long since I had spent that much time the most important members of my family and it sucked to see them go. They made my birthday and I hope we all get together again soon.
Another thing that happened, which freaked me out, was Sophie escaping from the apartment.
Two weekends ago, I decided to open up all the windows since it was cool that morning. I figured Sophie would love it since she would get to smell the outside instead of just gazing at it. I went about my business for about an hour and I don't know what made me wonder where she was but I started looking for her and it was weird because I couldnt find her anywhere. I go to check the window perch in my room and I noticed the screen had been pushed open and Sophie had escaped. I put on some shoes and started looking for her and thankully she was nearby but when I called her name, all she did was look at me. When i came close, she started running away for i am sure she knew fully well that what she had done was a huge no-no. I finally caught her and i don't think I will be opening my bedroom window from now on.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Lovely day
After the first half of work, "the crew" and I decided to go out for lunch like we always do and ended up at McAllister's. The people there are always so friendly. Not only do they come to your table with your food but will periodically walk by to see if anyone needs their drink topped off which I think is awesome. I get better service there than I do at most sit-down restaurants and I don't even have to leave a tip! I had a nummylicious Caesar Salad with a tall sweet tea. S.A. had this meat loaf sammich which looked really tasty and I think I will have on my next visit while J.K. had a French Dip. Everything I have had from there is always delicious and their sweet tea is some of the best I have had. Their cookies are kinda "bleh" but the rest of the menu makes up for it.
So we get back from lunch and spend a nice half hour goofing off which is always fun. We finally decide to get back to work when I am asked if I can cover the Photo Lab for a half hour while J.B. takes a lunch and I said "why the f not!". I saw it as an opportunity to go back to the photo lab and help people in need since most don't know how to use the kiosks there. I enjoy figuring stuff out as I go and that is what happens every time i help someone at those kiosks since I was never trained on how to use them. It's simple enough to use them but a lot of our clientèle don't seem to get it. It got so busy back there that before I knew it, it was time for me to go home! I love days like that.
I started heading home and I remembered that my mom had sent me some quesadillas (EL Salvadorian quesadillas are completely different from the Mexican ones. For El Salvador it's a cake instead of a tortilla folded over cheese and whatever other ingredients they add in there) but she sent them to the address that I used to live in before (the package would have gotten to me because of mail forwarding but she forgot to put my name on the package for some silly reason) so I had to go pick them up there. It was a little nostalgic seeing that place again and i wish I could have moved there again but I can't afford a one bedroom for $600/mo which is what rent would be there.
I got home and had a nice chunk of one of the quesadillas and now nothing can put a frown on this face. I love those things. I think this day will be complete if I took a nap which I think I will go do right now.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The good, the bad, and the Facebook
Having a Facebook account would trigger a ripple effect that I don't know I'll be ready for. I know that as soon as I add the people I want to add, people on their friends list will notice and might want to add me and so on and so forth and I will accept cuz I don't want to be a douche monkey and tell them "I know you but I don't really care to talk to you, sorry".
There's a nice handful of people from my past that I don't speak to now and wouldnt mind speaking to again if they were to have a Facebook account. I guess I can make that my selling point for getting an account, eh?
In closing: Facebook is bad because people use it as a popularity contest (my opinion)by making their friends list as huge as possible with people they hardly ever talk to, it makes it so damn easy to stalk someone, and you might get people wanting to add you but you wont want to add them back. Good things about it are that it would make it supah dupah easy to keep in touch with friends and it will make it easy for old friends that you haven't spoken to to reach you without it being too stalker-ish.
Technical Difficulties
Introduction part 5
My brother and I are now in the U.S. of A. The culture shock then was something incredible. All the tall buildings and fleets of cars in the freeway were jaw-dropping. Everything was done so differently here. You hardly saw anyone out on the streets; everyone always took cars everywhere. It took a good year for me to get over the culture shock.
We lived with dad for our first 2 years in the states I had never really spent much time with dad. He came to visit in El Salvador every year and it was fun spending time with him but I didn’t know what life was going to be like with him. It didn’t turn out to be bad at all.
He is still with the woman that broke my parents up. She is not that bad a person either. I didn’t like her that much at first because she wasn’t my mom and because she tried to get me to call her mom. She has 4 kids, 2 younglings (girls) and 2 olderlings (boy and a girl). We all got along well with one tiny glitch in the form of the youngest kid and my half sister. She enjoyed getting my brother and I into trouble and she always succeeded. She could make life hell but we still coasted through it.
Fast forward 2 years and now we are living with mom. She lives in Los Angeles while he lived in a town that was about an hour away from Oakland so the visitation thing was crazy at times. My brother and I flew to see dad every time we had vacation from school. I can’t say I’ve ever been scared of flying either.
So now we are living with mom and all is fine and dandy and then one of my moms’ bosses mom fell ill and we had to move to Indiana. This was back in 1997 and I have been living here ever since. This was another point of culture shock for me since we moved to Williamsport. I was used to seeing everyone only care about themselves in California and to come to a town where everyone waves as they drove by was a little creepy. I wanted to go back to California for the longest time. I was scared by how kind people seemed. The culture shock went away after a year and then I started to like the town and its inhabitants even though most of them probably wanted to burn me on a cross.
From here on, most of you reading this know my story so I will keep it as short as possible and if anyone asks, I could always go into more detail on the subject of their choosing.
Let’s see…I graduated from SHS attended Ivy Tech afterwards for about 2 years and then I dropped out because I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. The fear of real world and being an adult scared the living daylights out of me. I started working Retail in 2001 and have been there since. I kind of saw it as me wasting 7 years of my life for a time but I have grown a lot as a person there and a lot of the friends I have made from there, I would not trade for anything in the world. That place has helped me make me who I am today and I like me. I am finally back in school and I can’t wait to be done with it so I can go out there and shake my groove thing and make momma proud. We all have our little hiccups on the road of life and mine just happened to be 7 years long. It was a needed hiccup which made me realize what is important in life so I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. And now we are caught up to the present.
Believe it or not, this is short compared to all the thoughts and memories that started flooding my brain when I started writing this. I apologize for all the grammatical and punctuation errors you may have encountered while reading this incoherent mess. Hope you enjoyed getting to know me ^_^*.
Introduction part 4
Grand Father was a pretty cool guy. He owned a barbershop. He was awesome at his craft and did this weird thing with his tongue every time he was cutting hair. I don’t have many memories of gramps. I just know that my grandmother saved him pretty much. He used to be an alcoholic and smoked like a chimney. I don’t remember being told what she said/did to him to put him on the right track. My grandfather stayed sober and smoke-free (mostly, I caught him smoking once or twice) for 30+ years until his death.
Something I am very proud of is that my grandparents were dancing royalty in our town. They would always win any and every dancing competition they entered. Mind you, this was in the days when dancing was classy and people didn’t call “rubbing up against your partners crotch and dropping down to simulate oral sex” as dancing. Heh, grandma tried to teach me how to dance back then but I always refused. She was able to get me to dance with her for a week but I stopped after that because I didn’t want to be seen as a girly man.
Uncle was never around. He was off in the “big city” chasing his dreams and having women chase him. He was/is a total charmer and player. He introduced us to so many of his girlfriends and I could hardly keep track of any of them since it seemed he didn’t really like to keep the same one for long. I am not saying my uncle is not a good looking man but some of the women he brought home were drop dead gorgeous and seemed like they were way out of his league. Goes to show how confidence is something women are REALLY attracted to. Long story short with uncle, his charm and player ways finally caught up to him and he is now living in the states with a woman that is very controlling and knows of his player ways.
This brings me to mother dearest. She is the best mother a son like me could ask for. That woman has done no wrong in my eyes and will never do any wrong in my eyes. She sacrificed so much for my brother and I and for that, I will be eternally grateful. There aren’t words that can express how much she means to me even though I don’t call her as often as I should. She is always in my thoughts though and I will make sure to make her proud.
Mother dearest left my brother and I alone in El Salvador when I was 10-ish for a “job interview” which in reality meant that she was coming back to the states to settle and get a living situation ready since dad was working on getting me to the states and keeping me there without just a permit. My brother was never a problem since he was born in
Fast forward to when I am 12 and I find out that dad is bringing my brother and I to the states and also find out why mom had been “interviewing” for the past 2 years.
Introduction part 3
Another awesome thing about Catholic school back in El Salvador is that going to Church on Sunday was/is mandatory. It’s not that I didn’t or did like going to church, it was just boring to me at that age. Church became so boring to a select few of us catholic kids that we brought our bikes and played in the park right outside the church while everyone was at mass. Once we saw people coming out of the church, we would rush in so that when attendance was taken, we would not get in trouble. We had it down to a science. Good times were had back then.
Now that the school portion is out of the way, let’s talk about the familia. I lived with Mom, bro, grandma, grandpa, and uncle. Nice happy family and we all got along great…with the exception of my brother and I. We mainly fought when mom or grandma were around. I think we were just trying to establish who would back who up and who liked who better. Since my brother was the baby, he would always win with them. I think I started most of the fights mainly because I enjoyed pushing my brother’s buttons back then. I think it was jealousy at work.
My brother was a little angel in my grandmothers’ eyes. She would always believe him and he would always get me in trouble with her. The only times the both of us got in trouble is when she saw things from beginning to end. This one time, she decided she wanted to put an end to our fighting once and for all and held a public punishment for the both of us. She poured oil and salt on both our backs and had us lick each others backs. I had to go first of course and I took ten licks before she told me to stop and tell my brother to start. My brother barely put his tongue on my back before he started puking. Grandma told him to stop and that he didn’t have to lick my back anymore. I didn’t care much but it was a little humiliating to be punished in front of so many people for being a naughty boy. My brother and I didn’t fight much after that point.
An interesting fact about my grandparents (mothers side) that I didn’t learn until I was 17 is that they weren’t my biological grandparents. They were a great aunt/uncle that took my mom and uncle in because my real grandmother started treating them horribly after my grandfather had died. I was shocked when I heard this especially after I remembered that a weird woman went by the school my brother and I were in - claiming to be our grandmother. We just dismissed her as being crazy. Last thing I heard from mom, the biological grandmother is now diseased.
Introduction part 2
Fast Forward some years and mom decides to take is back to our home town to live with other grandma. These are the years of my youth that I remember well. Again though, I did stuff normal kids did but only in a different environment. How different you ask?
- The country is still at civil war
- It’s a third world country
- Military dudes were always walking around with their rifles which should have scared me but didn’t since it that was normal back then
- Poverty was/is horrible there
- Our town had a curfew that no one could be out on the streets after 9:00PM or you would be either arrested or caught in the cross fire while the guerilla and military were gunning each other down
- We didn’t have a consistent supply of water and electricity (because the guerilla tried sabotaging stuff) so we would go months without one or the other
- You would have to worry about gunfire outside of your home
- Earthquakes at least 3 times a year
- Having friends shot and killed
- Being afraid that if you were old enough and male, that you would get recruited by either side against your will
- etc.
My grandmother on my mom’s side is hilarious. She would tell all the neighborhood kids elaborate stories she had made up or had hear when she was younger. She did this when it was dark outside and we didn’t have “novelas” (soap operas for you whiteys) to watch due to the lack of electricity. I remember it all being really cool and mystical. She is a great story teller.
She would tell my brother and I that if we ever swallowed seeds from the fruits we ate, that we were going to have trees growing out of our stomachs. I ones swallowed a watermelon seed and I went around town asking people how to get it out because my grandmother told me that if I swallowed a seed, that a tree would grow out of my belly…people just laughed at me. She ones got me good when I didn’t bring good grades home and told me that since I got bad grades, the lord would take my sight if I watched TV or played Videogames before my grades came back up. That was the worse time of my life. I feared going to friends home because they might have a TV on or something. Needless to say, I spend a lone month or two before I finally got my grades back up and was able to watch tv and play games without my sight being taken from me.
Speaking of school, when I was in
Introduction part. 1
Hello everyone! I finally got the motivation to start blogging and telling my story from a point of view that many people don’t get to experience. In case you are wondering why I chose to go by Diosthocles (props to lady K.P. for helping me make up my mind), it is because just about everyone I introduce myself to tends to screw up the pronunciation of my name.
My name is Diogenes. I accept the pronunciations of Dye-ah-jeh-knees or Dee-ah-jeh-knees. I should mention that I hardly ever use my full name and go by the shortened version of Dio which I pronounced Dee-o. Looks hard to pronounce but not once I tell you how, right? Wrong!
I know, I live in a place where there’s a lot of ignorant people but it still cracks me up that they get it wrong even after I have corrected them a few times.
Name aside, I shall now introduce you to myself - from my humble beginnings to now. This might take a little while so bear with me. Know that I am a very open person and that I will only leave out certain key info for privacy issues.
I am originally from a small town in
We were a nice happy family for a little while and then mom found out that dad was cheating on her with a friend that mom had made. If that wasn’t bad enough, the lady my dad cheated on mom with also had kids and was married. From what I have been told, minor altercations were had and my mom said “fuck y’all, bitches” (maybe not quiet like that) and took my brother and I back to
We stayed with Grandma (fathers’ side and not same town as home town) for 2 years. I don’t remember much about those days. I recall just being a kid and being a little mischievous and stuff. I do know that some super cute pictures of me were taken while I lived there. What can I say? I was a damn cute little one and I was even cuter in pictures.